The ban on Telegram, the importance of professional journalism, front-line media, and reforms are discussed in a fresh show of the online platform for finding specialists called, Cabinet of Experts. This time, the expert in the studio was Sergiy Tomilenko, the President of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU).
He says that sometimes, people associate professional journalism with a boring textbook at school, especially now, against the background of social networks, streamers, and a large number of bloggers. This phenomenon is directly caused by the development of technologies and media platforms and, at the same time, the lack of responsibility for fakes and lack of trust due to editorial policies. Despite all this, society needs quality journalism.
Sergiy Tomilenko also adds that the NUJU is critical of the new Media Law. “I believe that three hundred pages is not a sign of a successful and effective Law. The presence of 300 pages means that the Law is complicated. It determines that the only regulator for all journalists and platforms is the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council, whose political independence is still in question,” he says.
In addition, the show participant talked about the catastrophic situation with the closure of one-third of the media newsrooms since the beginning of 2022. There are several reasons: the full-scale invasion, the economic situation, and, as a result, a loss of motivation.
Later in the issue, you will hear about “news deserts,” the closure of regional TV channels, freedom of speech in Ukraine, and the printing of front-line newspapers right now in the Donetsk Region. See all this and more in the video!
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